Situated on the Rillito River where the city meets the foothills, the 35-acre Gregory School campus showcases breathtaking views of the Catalina Mountains. Our campus includes a farm yard and vegetable garden, a student-created riparian area, gorgeous vegetation, plentiful shade, and countless areas to meet, study, relax, and play. A delicious, healthful lunch made on-site from scratch using seasonal, locally-sourced ingredients comes with a Gregory School education. Daily lunch offers several hot options, soups, salad and sandwich bars, and fresh spa waters. Students and faculty may choose to eat in our attractive lunchroom or at a variety of seating areas around campus.

MIT Network-Affiliated FabLab
The first (and the only school-based) member of the MIT FabLab Network in Arizona, The Gregory School FabLab is a space where students are inspired to imagine, conceptualize, design, and build, and a place where tinkering, experimenting, and failing are encouraged and celebrated.

Writing Center
The Writing Center is modeled after those found on many college campuses. We have a dedicated writing center staffed by faculty and trained student editors who are available to help students in all stages of the writing process.

Science Laboratories
Our science facilities rival those of small colleges and include chemistry and biology laboratories with extraction hoods, a physics laboratory, two robotics laboratories, and a virtual reality laboratory.

With over 14,000 books, our library is a 4,000 sq ft reader's paradise, offering a comfortable and pleasant space for study, reading, and group meetings. Our library serves as a gathering place and is an important part of The Gregory School community.

Our 370-seat theater includes a professional, computerized lighting and sound booth, a spacious stage, an orchestra pit, full dressing rooms, a ticket booth, and a lobby for receptions and art shows.

Fine Arts Facilities
Our campus includes multiple arts studios, a large photography studio with digital lab and traditional film processing, a multimedia lab and digital studio, and pottery kilns.

Dance Studio
Our dance classes meet and rehearse in a beautiful 1,000 sq foot dance studio with sprung flooring, barre, high ceilings, wall-to-wall mirror, and audio-visual equipment.

Athletic Facilities
Athletics and physical education at The Gregory School take place in our gorgeous gymnasium, complete with locker rooms and workout center; on our soccer, softball, and baseball fields; on our outdoor courts and campus bike trails; and on Tucson’s extensive “Loop” biking, running and walking path adjacent to campus.

Sage Dining Service
When you step into our lunchroom, you're immediately surrounded by an abundance of freshly-prepared delicious food and a welcoming, attentive staff. Your child’s daily lunch is included in the tuition cost. Our lunchroom has professional kitchen facilities and indoor seating for 100.

Classroom Technology
For over a decade our faculty has been trained extensively in integrating laptops into every classroom, and every student uses a laptop or tablet in class. We promote the development of technology skills with online tools, and with students exhibiting their learning with digital presentations and publications. Our classrooms are equipped with SmartBoards, interactive displays, computer projectors and more.

35-Acre Campus
Experience the beauty and safety of our 35-acre campus. Situated on the Rillito River where the city meets the foothills, the Gregory School campus showcases breathtaking views of the Catalina Mountains. Our campus includes a farm yard and vegetable garden, a student-created riparian area, gorgeous vegetation, plentiful shade, and countless areas to meet, study, relax, and play.

Virtual Reality Lab
In our Virtual Human Interaction Lab, students explore the dynamics and implications of immersive virtual reality simulations (VR), and other forms of human digital representations in communication systems and games.
3231 N. Craycroft Rd.
Tucson, AZ 85712
Fax: (520) 327-8276