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Upcoming Events

  • April 9: Family Association meeting, 8:30 a.m. TGS Board Room.  
  • May 8: Spring dinner 

What is the FA?

The Family Association was created to connect, involve, and communicate with TGS parents for the development of our community and success of our children. Our goals are to:

  • Educate
  • Engage
  • Energize

Research has shown that family engagement leads to

  • Student Success
  • Positive Family and School Staff Relationships
  • Clarity in Communication
  • Confidence in our School

The Gregory School Family Association Operating Protocols


Family Association meetings are an opportunity to connect with other TGS parents, get the latest scoop on school events and happenings, ask questions and get answers, all in just one hour! We hold three meetings per semester.

April 9:
 Family Association meeting, 8:30 a.m. TGS Board Room.  

Stay Connected!

Read the TGS Newsletter

Look for the Family Association's Parent to Parent section in the weekly TGS Newsletter on Friday afternoons.

Connect with your Class Representatives

Class reps keep communication flowing between parents and staff, promote events and encourage participation and serve as a grade-level contact for new families.  

2024-2025 Class Representatives 

Get Involved!

Fall Semester

A school-wide celebration of athletics and school spirit, Homecoming brings families together to cheer on the TGS Hawks on the field and off with food, games and fun!

A beloved TGS tradition and a cornerstone of our faculty/staff appreciation initiatives, the farmer's market brings families together to provide a huge array of Thanksgiving treats, fixings, and surprises for faculty and staff before Thanksgiving break.

Families stock the faculty/staff lounge with goodies and surprises to keep everyone fueled during finals week. 

Spring Semester

Upper School students enjoy a fancy night on the town at a unique venue with food, drink, music and friends in January or February.

This school-wide, family friendly event begins with a catered dinner and the opportunity to mingle with TGS families, old and new. The evening coincides with the Middle School Expo featuring studio and performing arts in May.

Made possible by the time & talents of parent volunteers, the Family Association is the proud sponsor of these special events and programs that enhance the Gregory School experience for students, faculty & staff.

What Else?

Opportunities for parents with creative ideas and expertise to implement projects and/or activities that support TGS educational programs, facilities, and assistance to TGS students. Applications are due at the end of March for the following academic year. Link to Parent Passion Project Application.

Many hands make light work!
If you see an event or program of interest, sign up here to volunteer, or send an email to

Get to Know TGS Families and Staff
We value and benefit from our diverse community.  We encourage you to take advantage of the opportunities provided by TGS and the FA to interact and build relationships with other families and TGS staff.

Easy Ways to Help TGS

ShopRaise: Through ShopRaise, there are over 1,000 stores and gift cards including Walmart, Kohl’s, Walgreens, Home Depot, Lowe’s, even Amazon gift cards that will give a percentage of the sale to TGS at no additional cost to you! Get the ShopRaise app for Chrome, Android, or iOS. Once you’ve downloaded the app, just shop online using Chrome on your computer or the app on your phone.

Visit the ShopRaise website at Use the first drop down to select AZ and enter The Gregory School in the Search for Charities field. Click on The Gregory School. Then you can download the app on your preferred device and start shopping!  

Boys & Girls Club Donation Bin on campus:
Unload your unwanted clothing and household items in the green bin. Items support both the Boys & Girls Club AND generate a donation to the FA.

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Business Directory

We want to support The Gregory School families in growing their businesses. To submit your business to be included in our online directory, please complete the form below.

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