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Started by two members of the class of 2025, the Young Writers Club launched four published books at the 2024 Spring Family Expo and Dinner.

An entire year to write: The Gregory School Young Writers Club

At The Gregory School, we’re proud that clubs are student-driven: No matter what grade you’re in, if you have an idea for a club, just find a teacher to be your advisor, invite other students, and start your club. A shining example of this ideal is the Young Writers Club, started this academic year by juniors Arlo McLamarrah and Henry Wright.

“The Young Writers Club is an incredibly valuable opportunity for young writers to see their work in print and have physical proof of their accomplishments to show their family and friends.”

Arlo and Henry envisioned an opportunity for students to be able to spend an entire year working consistently on their own writing, and that is exactly what they created. The Young Writers Club, which is open to all TGS students, met every Thursday during lunch in Ms. Anna Cain’s classroom. This year, students in grades 8 - 11 participated. 

At each meeting, students wrote, workshopped their writing, and discussed ideas, progress, roadblocks and more. Henry and Arlo took the lead on answering questions. By the end of the spring 2024 semester, the club has published four books using the Lulu online self-publishing platform: two novels and one picture book written by students, and a Tolkien book edited by TGS librarian Mr. Mitch Milam, with major collaboration and artwork by a student.    

“The Young Writers Club is an incredibly valuable opportunity for young writers to see their work in print and have physical proof of their accomplishments to show their family and friends,” Ms. Cain said.

The club officially launched their books at the Spring Expo on May 9, selling several copies and creating a great deal of excitement about their work and about the club. “All the credit goes to Henry and Arlo,” Ms. Cain said. We are excited to see the work of these young writers and cannot wait to see the club grow even more.