Happy New Year and Happy News!
Dear TGS Families:
Happy New Year! We’re delighted to be back in session and reconnecting with all of your amazing children. It’s heartwarming to see the greetings exchanged across campus among and between students and faculty.
Happy News! The Gregory School received a $50,000 grant in December to improve campus technology. Thanks to the leadership of Andrei Henriksan (TGS Director of Technology), teachers and students will be benefiting from new equipment, infrastructure and programming in short order. The funding organization was impressed that we have already doubled the percentage of family participation in the Annual Fund compared to all of last year—and it was only December! Your support matters immensely! Thank you!!
Next week marks Homecoming! Our upper school student council has planned fun and exciting activities throughout Spirit Week that will culminate in several sporting events, a pep band, a table tennis competition, refreshments, and dinner organized by the Family Association on Friday evening, January 17th. We hope you will join us for some or all of the festivities.
In keeping with Spirit Week, we want to have some fun with our annual fund campaign and “play” each morning of homecoming week with families during drop-off, with an Annual Fund Spirit Week theme for each day. (Please see the chart, above.) Families can also participate online. Daily emails and Facebook posts will explain the theme for each day, so please keep an eye out to participate.
This year we’ve continued to emphasize that it is the involvement, not the amount of the gift, that matters most. Currently, the top three levels of family participation come from 5th Grade, 11th Grade, and 10th Grade. A special activity will be planned at the end of the year for the grade level with the greatest percentage of family participation in the Annual Fund.
And finally, if you haven’t yet taken a look, be sure to explore our redesigned website! Many thanks to our Director of Technology, Andrei Henriksan, and Director of Communications, Alicia Saposnik, for such high-quality work. If you experience any difficulties in finding information, please don’t hesitate to let us know. Feedback received at this week’s Family Association meeting has already led to some corrections and improvements.
Again, many best wishes for a happy and healthy year ahead!
Julie A. Sherrill, Ph.D.
Head of School
"The Gregory School is a place that is transforming learning and transforming students' lives. Gregory students lead institutions; they found movements; they invent technology; they run cities. Students leave TGS with a sense of agency; they believe they can change the world for the better and it is our aim to ensure we give them the knowledge, skills, experiences and confidence to do so."