Photography Show Displays Talent, Teaches Life Skills
Photography teacher Amy Haskell and her students in Photography 1, 2 and 3 held their annual show opening on December 5. "I started this show as an opportunity for the TGS community to view the amazing student work that is being created," Ms. Haskell explained. And the work is stunning, beautiful, diverse, and exciting. Beyond providing an extraordinary experience for show visitors, Ms. Haskell stresses the value of the show for the photography students themselves. "A requirement for the show is to produce a finished work of art. This means the work has to be ready to be hung on the wall. Time management is key: You cannot turn in prints after the opening, so there is no wiggle room."
In preparation for the show, students learn matting and framing techniques, as well as other options for printing their work. Photographs printed on metal are currently popular with the students and require even better time management and advance planning.
The photography show will remain on display in the photo studio (Room 1) through December 13.
In addition to teaching photography at TGS, Amy Haskell, a 1991 graduate of our school, is a working photographer with clients ranging from Condé Nast Publications to Target to Williams-Sonoma. As a professional in the field, she is able to provide her students with insights into the business aspect of the art as well. "I strongly encourage the students to put a price on their work for the show," she said. "I want them to take into account all of the time, energy and hard costs associated with putting together work." A bonus of putting a price on a print is that buyers know the work is available, and every year, several students sell their photographs at the show.
Looking toward the future at TGS, Ms. Haskell would like to incorporate more alternative methods of printmaking that blend digital and wet printing, as our students have not had experience with traditional methods of printmaking. This will require a lab somewhat like a darkroom. Ms. Haskell explains, "These processes will allow a more hands-on and creative approach to photography rather than the click and print mode we are in today. We are close to achieving this lab space, but a few renovations are still needed." Anyone interested in learning more is invited to contact Amy Haskell at ahaskell@gregoryschool.org.

"I am enjoying getting to see the campus from the perspective of 'faculty', and getting to spend time with the next generation of young photographers is inspiring. The students are so bright, creative and curious, it makes teaching them a lot of fun."