Why I Give
Amy Seger, Interim Head of School
In my 13 years of pre-college education I attended 12 different schools in six states. The span of time varied from as little as two weeks in one school to the maximum of two years in several others. While not typical for most students, this was not uncommon for children growing up in military families like mine. There were some advantages to living in many different places, but there were disadvantages too. I’m jealous when my friends reference someone they’ve known since first grade, or speak of a teacher they and their siblings all loved in high school. I don’t have that. I often wonder what happened to my classmates as I’m sure they’re scattered across the country.
Like every parent, I wanted the best for my children. As an educator I had taught in several different schools, and knew what I was looking for when my daughter started school. As a teacher it can be difficult. We are probably the most particular. I wanted the academic opportunities that would allow my child to compete with students anywhere, along with people who would care about my child’s heart. I also wanted relationships that would be lifelong and opportunities for her that I didn’t have.
What I have learned having children in independent schools, and spending more than thirty years of my career in these schools, is that there are resources needed beyond what is covered by tuition. The Gregory School Fund helps to bridge the gap between tuition revenue and the full cost of a TGS education. Your donations make it possible for us to recruit and retain excellent faculty with competitive compensation, enrich our school programs, maintain our facility and provide vital support for the school’s operating budget. The generosity of our community makes a difference for every student and every program. Being true to our mission and with your help, we can continue to challenge and support students to achieve excellence in character, scholarship, leadership and innovation.
We will officially kick off the 2024-25 Gregory School Fund campaign during Homecoming Spirit Week, September 23-27, with a different giving theme for each day. Our goal for 2024-25 is $200,000. I am delighted to announce that a very generous family has offered to match all donations to the Annual Fund during Spirit Week, up to a total of $20,000!
In celebration, and in thanksgiving for your gifts, we will publish an annual report at the conclusion of the campaign that will include the name of every donor. Every gift matters. This year’s campaign will feature the following giving levels of support. In recognition of our founding year, all gifts of $1980 and above will be part of the 1980 Society, in addition to any addtional giving circle they may be in.

So why do I give? I give because the excellence in teaching and learning that I see at TGS every day is only possible when teachers and students have the resources necessary for this important work, and know that we are benefitting today from the generosity of the founders and donors that came before us. Giving brings me joy. I hope you will join me in supporting The Gregory School this year with your time, your talents, and your support of The Gregory School Fund.
If you have questions about The Gregory School Fund, or would like to discuss giving opportunities, please let us know.
With gratitude,
Amy Seger
Interim Head of School