Words of Wisdom for the New Year,
August 23, 2024
This week, we invited your Gregory School faculty to offer up some advice to students for the coming school year. Although the answers are as varied as the subjects they teach, what's clear is that our teachers care deeply about every student's academic and social experience at TGS, want to see you succeed, and are gratified to be working with you all.
I went to three different high schools in four years as my dad was in the Air Force, and being the new kid is never easy. Make an effort to acknowledge and support new students. The smallest kindness can go a long way in supporting someone's transition into school. Give a compliment, start a conversation, make a point of sitting next to someone who is new. At the very least you have done a good deed, and you might make a new friendship.
- Dr. Adams, Social Sciences
It's important to learn from mistakes.
- Mr. Vanek, Languages and Chess
It will never be too late to figure out who you want to be.
- Mr. Milner, English
Don't be afraid to ask questions. All questions can be good questions!
-Ms. Newton, Social Sciences
Be a kid for as long as possible.
- Mr. Kraus, Mathematics
Stay curious, and appreciate the learning process, with all its enjoyable and challenging parts.
- Mr. Seebach, Science
Work hard, get better, have fun.
- Mr. Polett, Mathematics and Athletics
As you go through this year, remember that this is all *practice*. Mistakes will be made. There will be imperfections. That’s okay. It’s *practice*.
- Mr. Young, Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship
I see so many new faces on our campus, both on the Middle School and Upper School sides. It's easy to walk past someone we don't know and not realize that they would really appreciate someone acknowledging their presence. Try to remember what it was like on your first day at The Gregory School. Think about what makes us a unique and caring community and that it is our desire for everyone to feel they are an important member of this very special place. Just saying "hello" to a new student can make all the difference in their day.
- Ms. Hernandez, Fifth Grade
Remember, there are no lions.
- Miss Reynolds, Physics
Even when you’re having the worst day, find one thing to be grateful for. Gratitude will change your world.
- Ms. Haskell, Photography
Wherever you are, be there fully. Don't let anxiety about a future test keep you from the joy of the current moment.
- Mme Clashman, French
Solvitur ambulando! (Latin) "It is solved by walking!" Tired? Go for a walk. Unfocused? Go for a walk. Frustrated, anxious, uninspired? Go for a walk.
- Mrs. Young, English
Building a good work ethic while in school will do you WONDERS for when you actually need it out in the "real world." (This includes punctuality!)
- Mr. Teegarden, Mathematics
Take care of Future YOU! Get your homework done, eat good food, spend time with people you love! It all goes into filling your cup!
- Coach Earnhart, Athletics
Lately I've been following the advice of Nick Cave in finding some modicum of awe everyday. The beauteous miracles are all around like hot soup, munching goats, catchy music, a well kicked ball, or an easy story. The pleasures are out there.
- Mr. Clashman, Latin and Farm
Go up to a new student and offer a fist bump, a hello, an introduction: My name is Saul; please tell me your name?
- Mr. Ostroff, Student Counseling
Don't panic. It will all be okay!
- Ms. Bursey, Science